The Perch
Catskills, NY
Completion 2023
Deep in the Catskills, stands of trees cloak the land that lies beneath. Only in clearings and meadows can the texture and shape of the softly rolling earth be seen. These clearings, often bordered by stone walls, are evidence of past and present agricultural use. This house is sited on the edge between woods and meadow, bridging between areas of sunlight and shadow. Its design recalls the many farm buildings scattered through the area, drawing inspiration from their gable and shed roofs, and the use of wood shingles, boards, and corrugated metal. Within, the rooms are large and spare, creating welcoming areas that connect the kitchen, living room and dining room. On one side the windows gaze upon the sunny meadow, on the other, into the dappled shadows of the woods. Materials are subdued to better focus on the life outdoors. The house invites passage through and into nature: for long hikes, picnics, and bonfires at night. The bedrooms on the second-floor lead to the perch above, an aerie in the trees, from which to observe birds, and the life of the forest below.